I used to think that guy in the white House SHOULDN'T have the nuclear launch codes, he's CRAZY! But now that China, Russia and everyone?

Else who listens in on his Iphone calls has them too, it doesn't seem so bad.
Agree? Disagree? I used to think that guy in the white House SHOULDN T have the nuclear launch codes, he s CRAZY But now that China, Russia and everyone

You are clueless on what the nuclear codes are aren't you?

Never change your mindset that Trump is crazy. It's the most valid thing you ever say.

The prez may be a loony but the people who work for him are not.

even if he thinks he has them some staffer probably gave him an old lottery ticket to keep him happy.

Trump surely doesn't know them by heart and talks about them to his friends.

The world is a safer place when the US President [no matter who it might be] is NOT predictable when it comes to what they might or might not do to defend the US and its allies. The world should fear the most powerful country in the world. Otherwise - it will have ZERO respect for it. On the world stage - NICE equals WEAK.