I wanted to surprise my husband but ruined it?

My husband is overseas due to visa stuff so we only see each other once a year during summer. We have been married for 1 year now. I'm in the states and he is back home. I bought him an apple mini Ipad after saving money for so long to surprise him. BUT one again I told him! :| I asked him if he wanted an ipad or an iphone… And now he knows I bought it because I showed it to him in our video chat. When I told my sister she said WHAT you told him?! You shouldn't have said anything and now I feel stupid! How can I surprise him now.

A surprise is a surprise depends on how you take it. Your sister shouldn't of said anything it's none of her business. Be patient it'll all work out.

You surprised him, it's all good. You shouldn't let your sister make you feel stupid… You shouldn't let anyone make you feel stupid, not unless it is for a darn good reason and this is silly. Your hubby is happy, right? That's the point!

Buy a naughty lingerie and surprise him, he will be really surprised and happy.

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