If I charge my iPhone with my iPad charger, is there any problem?

If I charge my iPhone with my iPad charger, is there any problem?

Nah it's fine, I do that all the time

No, it'll be fine, I do that all the time. The iPhone charges a bit quicker with the iPad charger

No, you can charge it with anything as long as the USBs fit. I charge my kindle fire with my phone charger. There won't be a problem!

No problem at all… I assume its because the ipad needs a slightly bigger box to charge a bit faster… But you will not have a problem i do it all the times

I interchange all of my USB Chargers all of the time. In most cases I just use my iphone charger for most everything.

100% safe guarenteed: D

I have some problems on my iPad like when I'm playing subway surfers I press the home button to do something else and when I return to the game it stops and close by it self and it give very high heat when I'm playing and it doesn't have FaceTime and sometimes the iPad restart by itself and onetime when I was working on safari browser it closed by itself.So, what is the solutions for this problems on my iPad?