If I like computers and know about technology today(like how a computer works, how does an iPhone work, etc) what career would that be?

If I like computers and know about technology today(like how a computer works, how does an iPhone work, etc) what career would that be?

That could be electronics salesman, electronics technician, electrical engineering technician or an electrical engineer or possibly computer engineering or software engineer.

There's a variety of things that could be as computers have many pieces. Do you know about the hardware? The operating system? The programs/apps that run on them?

In general one could say computer science or computer engineering, but those are very broad.

A technician

You do realize that the people who really work on that technology are hyper specialized. You may think you know how an iPhone works, but a team of people worked together just to get the buttons "just right" on the side of the phone. A team worked on the hardware/software permitting fingerprint/facial scanning and recognition.

You may have a general idea of how computers work and that nice, but to work in IT, you need to be specialized.

Anybody under 40

Technician or engineer? I'm not sure.

Perhaps a salesman

ICT Technician

Bet you don't have a clue HOW any technology actually works except in the general sense

(for example - do actually know HOW any operating system works? - You may know what it does but do you know HOW it does it?
Why does software run under one OS but you have to get another version to run under another OS?)

Computer Science. My son in law has a masters degree in computer science and he does stuff with computers for homeland security with a 6 figure income.