If I turn Wi-Fi off my iphone does it still use up data? MB?

If I turn Wi-Fi off my iphone does it still use up data? MB?

It will not use your Wi-Fi data. But if your cellular data is on, it will use data but not from the Wi-Fi.

No, it doesn't.

Yes. It will connect over your cellular connection if you have data plan. If you do not have a data plan, you may be charged per MB.

Talk to your provider to find out for sure.

Data = surfing web sites with safari, downloading sending email, playing an online game, using the map/GPS features etc…

Basically everything uses data except making a voice call or sending text messages.

Your iPhone supports two ways to transfer data.

1. Cellular data
2. Wi-Fi.

Cellular data is what you pay for. Your "data plan" is for cellular data.

There are many different sources for Wi-Fi, but your cell phone service provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint etc.) isn't one of them. Using Wi-Fi doesn't affect the data plan. Wi-Fi should be your preferred way to get/send data.

An iPhone will always use Wi-Fi first, then cellular data if a Wi-Fi connection isn't available to it.