If I unblock someone, will I get messages?

So, on an Iphone, on Imessage, If I block someone and they send me Imessages while they are blocked, will I get the messages that they sent me while blocked when I unblock them?

Or are those messages gone forever?

No, you will not get any old messages… Gone forever.

Any message sent, while you had them blocked is gone, and when you unblock them, you only get NEW messages that are sent after they have been unblocked.

So if you want to ignore someone for say a week, put their contact info on silent, that way you don't hear they have sent text. And then you can greedily read everything they send. Otherwise you are playing that stupid Block UNBLOCK game that most people are playing, but wishing they could see the begging and pleading to text or call them. (at least that is what they are hoping is happening while they are blocking people). <wink>

Me if I have gotten to the point of needing to block someone, I just delete them from my contacts, and their message never reach me after that point, because for me, if their number is not in my contacts, I don't get the texts or the calls. Out of sight, out of mind (aka dead to me).