Is it possible to UNBLOCK an iphone or not because the imei?

I bought a iphone a few weeks ago and the person didn't tell me its blocked so i'm fuming. Is there any way of unblocking it? Or anyone no where i can get it unblocked? In the uk please

I'd take it to a store to get it sorted out

I assume you been it's blacklisted by the networks, if so then no there's nothing you can do.
It's actually illegal to try and unblock a blacklisted phone.

Nope. The original owner would have to pay the balance of what is owed on that iphone account.
email me i can help

It's illegal to unblock a phone, it usually requires parts to be changed so it can cost a bit and no reputable phones shops would do it any way.

Ask the person for your money back. Threaten them with small claims court to scare them a bit.

Hi Jodie there's usually 2 main reasons to why a i-phone gets blocked & 1 is its been reported either lost or stolen or 2 its because the person hasn't paid the phone bill & the only way you will find out which it is is to contact the network which the i-phone is on i.e o2 vodafone etc & see what they say or contact the seller & ask for a refund (thats if you can get hold of the seller) my neice got caught out lilke yourself as she bought a i-phone from a private seller & it was working ok when she bought it then a couple of days later she had no signal on the phone so she went into the o2 store & they told her that the day after she bought the phone it had been reported stolen lucky enough she managed to get her money back & the police investigated the seller but apart from that it is illegal to unblock a phone… Hope this helps. Sly

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