If someone gives m a ITunes card?
What kind of things can I do with it.
Can it be changed to cash? What eles
You can purchase musical downloads.
If you feed it into the usb slot of your imac, you'll be emailed some hard cash. Its a fuccin dope system brah
You can make purchases from the App Store or iTunes. That's it.
I have a bunch that I have thusfar been unable to use. I may use them in the future for Netflix as someone said I could do that via some app. But thusfar I have not been able to because I have old gift card balance on my account.
- When someone gives you something, is it yours legally? Basically, my (now ex) boyfriend gave me 2 phones while we were together. One was because i lost one my phones and the other one was a gift. He never mentioned that i would have to give either of them back if and when we broke up. But now we have he is demanding i give them back. He has a perfectly good working IPhone 4S. So do i have to give them back or are they legally mine? Because neither me or my dad have money to buy me a new phone at the moment.
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- What iPhone application gives a picture a pale look/effect? I've seen a bunch of IGers using it and when I ask they won't tell. This effect can get us plenty of followers - thus explains the secret to it. I'd really like your help!
- What gives better quality of a picture: Iphone 4s camera or normal digital camera? Please need an advice soon thank you guys I've gol Olympus u1060 it has 10 megapixels and i'm not a fan actually of this camera