What photo app on the iphone gives these effects?

I really love how the yellow and white circle kinda effects look, i know its an app on the iphone but i don't know which photo editing app it is! Help!

It might not be a app that when you took the photo it did that, it could be a app where you can do that afterwards, and adjust it, just search in the App Store picture editor, and you should be able to read the description and find one that works for you.

Shimmering light from the ceiling hit the plastic cover of the coffee drink spreading in various directions with some appearing as highlights on the surface of the lens filter or front element which is captured by the lens itself?

Not everything has to do with an app.

The effect that you are searching for is actually called Bokeh effect.
The App Store has a good number of apps which allow you to add bokeh to photos.

One such app is Bokeh Camera FX.
Here's the link.https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/bokeh-camera-fx-photo-image/id573475799?mt=8

Hope it helps.