If you are too old to make a call on an IPhone are you too old to vote?

If you are too old to make a call on an IPhone are you too old to vote?


If you can't carry on a conversation without texting, you shouldn't be able to vote.

Democrats hate all people doesn't matter. In the case the elderly. SMH

Voting should be restricted to mature adults. Letting adolescent sheinkopfs vote has not worked out well. Let's make an intelligent effort to learn from our mistakes. Children should be seen and not heard.

No way.

No. I don't have an iPhone either.

Why you young whipper snapper, I auta…

My mother is shaky and blind but she has decided political opinions that she gets from the TV. I help her vote the way she wants.

Being able to make a call on a smartphone and the ability to follow politics have no correlation.