If you beleave in ghosts - I think I have invited a ghost into my house without knowing it was here?
I found an old picture of people around my age. The picture is from 1911 and the kids look about my age. It's weird because I'm literally drawn to that picture for some reason and always feel the need to look at it. It feels as if there's the presence of one of them pulling me to the picture. Recently I have been falling to sleep and see my iPhone turn on by itself. I have been waking up at weird times and the scariest time was at school when the classroom doors were open. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the people from that photo. I should mention I usaly only feel the presence of this one person from the photo and I beleave that is who is always making apearences. One of my friends thought they might be trying to make friends with me maybe because we look the same age? I don't know what is going on. I have just been feeling the presence and even seeing someone about my age from a really old photo. Should I let them stay in my life or what? It never harms me and I'm not scared around it.
It would wear away soon. Nothing to worry about.
Yes you should try and be friends with them, but don't forget you will get older and older and they will stay the same age forever so that eventually they are going to think that you are an outdated old fogey.
Yes, ghosts are often lost. Just tell them they need to move on.
You sound like you have an overactive imagination. You should direct it to achieve great things, rather than persist with superstitious delusion.
If only it was as simple as some pillock telling you "it is just an overactive imagination." You need to speak to an adult about this. If you are faking this then congratulations as it isn't obvious but if not, go with what your parents say. If that doesn't work, go to your nearest spiritualist church and they will help you. Your post is interesting because it lacks any wild imaginary input and seems more down to earth, especially when you compare it to the 12-year-old girl who claims to be a werewolf looking for a pack.
Obvious that I believe in the spirits, but that your alleged story is false!
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- Why aren't there any modern ghosts? It seems that in every report about paranormal activity, a woman was killed over forty years ago and people still claim to see her to this day. How come there are no reports of a ghost haunting an iPhone store, or something more 21st century-esque?
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