If you buy the iPhone 4s without a contract do you still have to pay for Internet?

If you buy the iPhone 4s without a contract do you still have to pay for Internet?

I. Don't think you get internet at all

If you haven't activated it yet it still can be used without a contract. The iphone has Wi-Fi and you can use the Wi-Fi and your home router or a hotspot place to surf the web, free of charge

If you want service for the iphone you have to have a voice plan and a data plan.

If you pay full price for a iPhone I would get a prepaid plan. Like Net10 or Straight Talk bring your own phone plans. You have to buy a sim card from either the Net10 or Straight Talk websites for $15. Then you have to buy an unlimited talk, text and web plan. An unlimited plan for Net10 is $50 for 30 service days, and $45 for Straight Talk for 30 service days.