If you erase all content and settings on an iPhone would i lose my contacs?
If you erase all content and settings on an iPhone would i lose my contacs?
Yeah. It ereases everything
Yes, I did that.
Yes, it sets it back to manufacturers settings. You can back them up on your laptop through iTunes though, and then reload them onto your phone after you've reset it.
If, You erase everything then it literally mean's absolutely everything and your iphone will revert back to it's manufactured setting's leaving you in Limbo. Emmanuel.
- When you erase an iphone of all of its content & settings, does this mean EVERYTHING is wiped? I wiped my old iphone because i got the new 6s. So my icloud is in use on my current phone, but i wanted to know, that since i wiped out my old on. Does that mean it would be safe to give it to a family member or close friend to use? Without having my personal info. On it?
- What'll I loose when I erase all content and settings from my iPhone 4? Ok here's he deal I made a mistake texting this guy and our convo want disappear so I'm going to erase all content and settings and see if it'll disappear! What will I loose?!
- IPHONE ERASE All SETTINGS AND CONTENT? Ok so I just got a new iphone and my icloud didn't do it's job correctly it didn't load all my pics back up its 1500+.so I was going to erase and do it over. What happens if I do that do I lose anything? Will my icloud storage be ok? Is that a good thing? Or should I try something different
- IPhone erase all content and settings? I wanted to erase all content and settings on my phone, and then set it up as if it were a new iPhone. I've done this before in the past and never had a problem, but tonight when I did it, it restored absolutely everything EXCEPT my messages and apps. Can anyone help me out? I've never had this issue before.