If you were to pick, which would you pick?

Iphone 5s or iphone 5c? Doesn't matter which one is cheaper, give me your best reason why

Added (1). don't mind the iphone 6 coming out. Just wondering people!

5s is pwetty and sleek

5S. A 5C is the exact same as a regular 5 except it's made with plastic instead of aluminum and glass.

I'm going to be an Android freak and say Galaxy S5.

Honestly I'd pick the cheaper one because that's the only thing that matters to me other than it works and has Wi-Fi.

I've dropped my 5C and full out stabbed it with a knife. It's pretty durable in comparison to the 5S but 5S looks wayyyt better.

5s i don't like all the different colours they look plastic and cheap to me just like new cars

I would pick 5S because it has retina display. The retina display feature makes a huge difference for me.

The 6 is coming out already, so the 6th

Y r looking old phones when iPhone 6 is coming?! Ok if you really want to know which is best then iPhone 5s is good as compared to iPhone 5c. Cause 5s is made of aluminum & feels really gr8 in hands! It's two processors etc… But 5c I think feels pretty cheap cause its made from polymer.