Installing Windows 8 Problems?

I downloaded Windows 8 on Wednesday at my office. I was only using my iPhones hotspot and it was taking for ever to download so I cancelled it. I tried to download it on my broadband and it comes up with an unknown error. The image can be found here:

Added (1). I have unlimited Internet and the file hasn't actually downloaded yet.

When you hotspot on a phone they only give you a certain amount of data that you can use like 2gb a month and after that they start charging you (unless you're jailbroken and the company doesn't know you're hotspotting) Downloading an operating system like windows 8 would be a huge file! Check your phone bill and see how much trouble you might have of got yourself into and i don't know about the installation problem that can really be anything i would suggest sticking with windows 7 cause windows 8 is designed to be for touch screen which means if you have a regular ol laptop or desktop it's not going to go well.

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