IOS 5.1 update deleted all photos?

I updated my iPhone 4 over Wi-Fi to iOS 5.1 and it seemed to have deleted all my photos. As it's over Wi-Fi it didn't back up to my computer. I noticed that I still have only 1GB left of my iPhones memory like I had when I had the photos but the photos don't show up. Also when I go to sync my phone it shows a yellow bar entitled "Other" which is 10GB which is also the amount of photos I had.

Is there anyway I can get this back at all?
Possibly some software or something

Photo obtained via a sync from your computer are deleted by syncing again but this time deselect those albums. Start iTunes on your computer and connect your iPad. Select your iPad in the left column of iTunes on your computer. In the right column of iTunes select Photos and then deselect the albums you want to delete. That click on Apply and Sync.

Photos that were downloaded from a camera are in the latest import to all imported albums. Open those albums on your iPad, tap the sharing icon, select the photos to delete, then tap Delete.