IPhone 3GS (Jailbroken) Updating it from 5.1.1 ti iOS 6.0.1?
I Have a jailbroken iPhone 3GS on 5.1.1, now i want to update it to 6.0.1 but i'm afraid beacause i don't know if my iPhone will work. Any suggestions? ITunes and factory reset or something else?
Help, As soon as possible!
Thank you
Added (1). Factory reset needed or not?
It will absolutely work, however you will not have a jailbroken iphone anymore. The update will go through and reset everything. But that isn't a problem, I'm sure you know how to jailbreak your iphone again because it is very simple either way.
The update will work and you will not brick your phone, although you will lose your jailbreak and there currently is no untethered jailbreak available for 6.0.1 (although there's one that is semi-tethered)
Basically a semi tethered jailbreak allows you to shut down and reboot tour phone whenever you want to, but if you want to use mail, safari, cydia etc. Then you will have to plug in to your computer and run redsn0w through it to boot up your jailbreak.
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