IPhone 3GS went dead but won't turn back on?
My iPhone ran dead, and it won't turn back on. It's been plugged in to an outlet for over an hour, but I'm getting nothing. When I plug it in, I get a low bar sign and the power symbol, but it's been showing that for an hour. It recognizes that it's plugged in, because when I unplug it, it says it needs to be plugged in. I've had this phone for 2 years, so it's pretty old, but I can't get a new phone for awhile. Any solutions for getting it to turn back on? I've already tried holding the home and power button, but that did nothing.
Did you try unplugging it then turning it on?
Take out your battery and then put it back if that does not work get a new battery
My guess is the battery went out, but alot are still using 3GS for longer then that. You might want to look at getting a new 2 year contract getting iphone 4 free that way.
Try plugging it to your computer as usual, but press & HOLD BOTH Home and Power buttons for about 10 to 12 seconds until you see theapple logo. Should be fixed like this
- Went to bed w/iPhone 4s charged 98% woke up completely dead. Why? I never leave my phone on the charger over night. I always clear my apps out before bed. I've had the ios7 for months now. My phone has never done this before. I woke up late because my alarm never went off! This is not acceptable. I've never had any issues with my phone
- My iphone went dead and now won't charge up? My iphone 4 went dead a few nights a go so I plugged it in to charge and it showed the charging icon on the screen but wouldn't go past red after being charged for a full day, and now it has changed to flashing the apple icon constantly when plugged in charge I have tried to put it in recovery mode on itunes however it didn't work
- My iphone went black and won't turn back on! 1? I was walking home and i locked my screen put my phone in my pocket, kept walkin then i tried to check my phone and the screen was completelty black and wouldnt turn back on. I tried holding the home & lock button at the same time that didn't work, i tried plugging it into my computer and to my wall charger. And it still didn't turn back on, someone tell me what to do!
- My iphone screen went black and now it won't turn back on ALSO! It still vibrates when someone texts me and siri also turns on when i hold down the home button but i plugged it into my mac and tried to hold down the lock and home for 10 seconds to reset it but then it says i need to back up my phone, which i can't because my phone is locked and i don't know how to unlock it on the computer.