IPhone 4 Camera Overheating?
I have noticed when my iPhone 4 vibrates it sounds like a rattling noise comes from near the camera and also the area around the camera is really hot like its over heating but the camera or flash light has not been in use? The iPhone is not even a year old purchased in June/July!
Added (1). If i needed to get a new one would i have to pay for it or get it for free because i really wouldnt want to pay for a new phone.
I wouldnt use the camara or it could affect the hole of the phone, take to an apple store soon as poss and hope for the best, if not, you may need a replacement in the phone.
All new iPhones purchased come with a 1 year warranty. This means that if your phone would become defective (which is in your case), then either Apple or your cell phone carrier will replace it at no charge. Call either of them to see what can be done.
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