IPhone 4, is 8gb enough space?

I would probably have around 30-50 pictures on there and probably around 220-300songs with about 20 apps, is that enough space?

Yeh it would be
however I don't suggest you get that phone
what you should get is a way better phone and it's also free on a 2 year contract on tmobile
the phone is the
lumia 710
it feels premium and high end in your hand
the screen is a 3.7" amoled screen with Nokia clear black display so that means colors and text look amazing on it and that also means you can easily see in direct sunlight so you won't have to higher the screen brightness
the camera is a 5 megapixle camera which takes amazing photos and videos and it also has the Nokia added features like group shot, panorama shot and burst shot
what group shot allows you to do is to capture the perfect moment so for example if you are taking a photo of 2 people and you blink you will be able to rewind the time till when they were still smiling
the web browser is extremely good and very fast and it's way better than the safari on the iPod
the phone handles mail in a very good way
you've got a huge number of high quality apps and you also got the Nokia added free exclusive apps like Nokia drive, Nokia maps, Nokia city, Nokia lens, Nokia beta, Nokia music, Nokia creative studio, espn, espn radio, CNN, viber HD. And many more
battery life on the phone is very good and would easily get you through a full day of heavy use on a full charge
the whole os on the phone is amazing and it runs smooth and fast and it's also faster in everyday use than iOS and android
hope I helped.
tell me if you decided to get it
and if you have any question you can email me at spieleranswers@outlook.com

Don't buy that phone that guy talking about it the worst ye that would be loads i saving for the iphone 5 tho whoop can't wait: D

Doesn't sound so, but it depends on the sizes of what you have or intend to put on it. You could always tally the total up & see now if it is.

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