IPhone 4 not charging past 5%?

When plugged into either mains or laptop the iPhone does not charge past 5%, i'm thinking of replacing the battery? And the charging port? Would this fix it, it's not my cabe as it charges my iPod 4.

Try changing the battery. It says on the package it comes in that the battery only last a limited number of cycles. That's what sucks about iPhones that you gotta have the battery professionally replaced unless you know how to do it.

I'm not entirely sure what to do but maybe you could ask your local apple store? I have an iPod touch 4 and that charges fine.

What is the age of your iPhone? If it has an lifee of more than 2 years, then battery is to be replaced.
Also after charging 5% try using it. If the the charge lasts for more than 6 hours then there may be a software glitch. Also use your own cable. Do a resetting of the iPhone and then if nothing happens do consult the apple store.

It's most probably a battery problem.

I had a problem similar, you need a 10W charger.