IPhone 4 unlock (block phone)?

Dear frind
I have iPhone 4 is block, Bcoz I lost my phone 2 year a go I found the phone in my car under seat week a go.
I want to know how do I can use this phone if you can help me please.

Call apple or go on their website to transfer your phone part to this iphone

As the other person said, call Apple, or go to an Apple store (or an AT&T store, or Verizon - whatever carrier you use).

I'm afraid you won't be able to use your iPhone.

Once you reported your iPhone as lost, your network blacklisted the IMEI number. This makes it impossible to use your phone on any UK network. There's no legal method to remove a blacklisted IMEI in the UK.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/...en_devices

It is most likely blocked (blacklisted) and you won't be able to use it on the carrier it was locked to. Some blocked iphones can be unlocked and only used out of country (or a different carrier than the original)