IPhone 4S AT&T 2gb data plan?
Well I just got an iPhone 4S and I was wondering how much 2gb of data would get me. I have Wi-Fi at home. But when I'm not home I can get on my phones Internet ALOT.
How long 2GB will last you depends on what you do with the phone. Browsing the web and sending e-mails uses very little data, while streaming video can use a typical 5MB per minute of data.
If you did nothing but stream video, you would go through 2GB in around 6 hours and 45 minutes.
For example, the 2009 installment of the Star Trek franchise, is 1.89 GB from beginning to end credits, as an example of how much data is used for a movie.
It is impossible to say exactly how long you would have for browsing the web, as some sites are very data light, while others use a lot of data to access, media sites tend to consume more data than other sites.
Keep in mind that there are literally thousands of locations that offer free or cheap Wi-Fi, which can help alleviate your data load on your monthly bill.
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