IPhone 4S iOS 6 update sound problem?
So I just updated my iPhone 4S with the new iOS 6 update everything seems to be working fine with the exception of my text notification sounds being softer/silent that usual all other sounds like calls, music, keyboard sounds seem fine but not the text sounds wanted to know if anyone else might have same problem or if its just me?
I have no sound at all
Hey mate just done the same thing, only sound I'm getting is from unlocking the phone and voice recorder play back, also Siri isn't working and there seems to be no way to turn the volume up. I tried settings no luck, then turned the phone off and switched it on and had a volume slider bar for about 1 second still no sound played. Would love for someone to have a solution or explanation!
I plugged mine into my iPod dock to see if it would play on the speakers and it did then I pulled it off and everything started working again. The volume slider is back when I double click, music plays, and the typing clicks are back.
Emma is right i had the same issues and plugging it in a dock worked!
I'm having the same issue. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one. This problem does need to be addressed, though.
Emma is right! Yay! Emma you rock!
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