IPhone 4S or 5: which is better?
I due for an upgrade finally after having my blackberry torch for 2 years. ( had it since senior year in high school am now a sophomore in college). I can't decide if I should go for iPhone 4S or 5? I heard the 5 is too long and I don't want a big phone. I'm not getting the iPhone because almost everyone has one, I'm getting it because I like it and I don't really see any new phones that aren't huge. So iPhone 4S or 5?
IPhone 5
Its the same thing, only Difference is that the 5 is like 1in longer.
5 because it is faster and lighter than the 4s, although a new iPhone edition will be coming out this summer I think, downside of IP5 is that it almost makes you a target for a high priced phone
I went from a 4 to a 5.It's faster and has more screen, but it isn't wider. If also has a better camera. If you can afford the price difference, I would go with the 5.
I don't see any difference except in the size.
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