Iphone 4s recoverymode loop fix?

My iphone 4s struck in recovery mode loop, when ever i try to restore it using itunes getting the same result each time… Unable to go to dfu mode. And restoration is also not working can anyone help me?
i'm using windows 7
i try to restore it using redsnow but that also not working… Help please

You can simply go to the link below and download iREB


after you download iREB, connect your iphone, click on recovery loop fixer/SHSH blobs grabber and then click on set auto- boot true… And you are done

and if this doesn't work you can go to google and search TINYUMBRELLA, download it and after that open it and connect your iphone an then you will see a option fix rcovery or exit recovery on the top right corner just simple click it, and done…

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