Iphone 5? Convince me to buy it

Well i want a Iphone 5. Not sure which color to choose… And want to know some good reasons to buy it to convince my dad to get it for me? Very good reasons that will make you get this phone than any other phone in the market today!

WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT GET IPHONE 5 THAT WOULD BE THE WORST THING YOU DID GALAXY 2 OR 3 would be the way to go it has fast Internet good to use for homework to look up stuff like dictionary and good apps like homework apps and stuff


The iphone 5 has all the stuff the above mentioned for Samsung galaxy, so do most smart phones for that matter. At least give him legit reasons to get a Samsung galaxy which are nice phones too. Anyways some reasons are
-Biggest App Store
-Bigger screen then previous iphone's
-Apple ecosystem(If you have other apple devices that is)
-Simple and easy to use
-Retina Display
You can't really go wrong with the classic black color.

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