Iphone 5 for sprint? How much?

My brother has his own separate plan from our family. He has an iphone 5 so i'm assuming he probably pays a lot per month. If he were to get me an iphone 5 added to his plan, would it be an additional $10 or would he also have to pay like the same prince per month for his phone?

No, since the new iPhone5 will be a smart phone the additional cost will be a lot more than $10.

Easy to see the impact in his case by calling Sprint, looking at their site, or visiting a Sprint store.

He'd need to covert to a family plan to add your phone.

In general, regarding saving mobile phone cost, don't forget company/school/credit union affiliations for which you or your family might be eligible. Some of those 'employee' of company discounts can reach 25% per month!

Of the big 4 carriers, Sprint is known to be the easiest to hook into affiliate discounts. (lowest proof requirements)