Iphone 5 in dish water for several minutes?

I was cleaning the fridge and washing dishes. When I reached into the dish water, my Iphone 5 was in there. I have no idea how long it was in there. I put it in a bag of rice. I read that it was best to leave it in there for a week. Any suggestions?

Put in a bag of rice for a day or so

I have heard that, bizarrely enough, the bag of rice trick works. My friend tried it thinking that it wouldn't, and even got a new phone in the meantime, then lone behold it started working again. Patience.

Keep it in a bag of rice and DON'T TRY TO TURN THE PHONE ON. Until you are confident that the phone is dry, don't turn the device on. After it is dry, turn it on and see if it works

Don't try to turn it on, and leave it in rice until dry; i have two brothers, one dropped his phone in a pool and immediately put it in rice and didn't try to turn it on, the other dropped it in a toilet and tried to turn it on, then put it in rice. Can you guess which phone worked the next day? If you said the first one, you are correct.

Dry ice won't work. Don't bother trying to get a new one for free, they can tell when it's been water damaged