IPhone 5 not connecting to home Wi-Fi?

I got a brand new iPhone 5 on Friday and since then it has not been able to connect to my home Wi-Fi. There's not a problem with my phone because it can connect to other networks, just not this one, I have tried everything:
-Changing to WEP/WPA2
-Changing passcode
-Taking off passcode
-Setting up a static IP

Nothing. I enter the passcode correctly and it says 'Unable to connect to network' Any help on this would be greatly appreciated; it's driving me insane! TYIA.

Please check whether the device is visible in your Wi-Fi access map. If yes, then problem can be in the static IP address.

Did you set up your wireless to invoke MAC address validation (which provides another layer of security)?

If so you need to enter the iPhone MAC address into the MAC address validation table in the router.

I'm having the same new 5s will not connect to the Wi-Fi[[ all the other iphones (4s) work

How do I enter the iPhone MAC address into the MAC address validation table in the router?

How do you connect to home Wi-Fi

I phone 5 not connect to home Wi-Fi