IPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy Note 2? - 1

I currently have an iPhone 4 and have had the iPhone since they came out with the first one. I also have a Mac Book. I'm eligible for an upgrade with at&t but I'm not sure which one to by. I understand a lot of you are apple lovers and a lot of you enjoy Microsoft and droid. HOWEVER, I do not want any bias. Which one do you guys think is best for me? I'm 18, and I'm pretty gentle on phones. Like I said I have the Macbook. I really enjoy when all of my pieces of technology can run smoothly together almost as if they are one piece of technology which is holding me back a little on the Galaxy. I've seen videos on it and it looks like a beautiful piece of technology though and it looks like it is capable of more than the iPhone 5 is. One problem is, I can't sync so smoothly with the samsung. On the other hand I know if i by the 5 next thing i know, the 6 or 5s will be out.

And if you don't mind me asking, what is the app store on the galaxy like? Do they have pretty much everything the iPhone's app store does? Maybe i watch too much tv but it seems to me like iPhone 5 has the best apps and best compatibility when it comes to the apps. One thing I do not like about the new iPhone is the maps. The new maps software kind of sucks in my opinion and that is really frustrating me as well.

I would say get the iphone 5 since you have a mac book I love iPhone

5 is the best hardware out there today imo.
There will always be new versions as its always evolving, if you are always waiting for the next version then you will always be waiting.

The galaxy note has an android software, so it has something called "Google Play" which is the samsung equivalent of "App store".
Ofc it can't be compared to the apple appstore, it doesn't have that much number of apps and it isn't really well filtered, meaning, you can download literally sh! T out of that market.
I suggest going with the iphone if you have the money to get it, cuz it's far more superior in hardware… If you carry both, you will notice the difference.
Enjoy the i5:)


Get the Note II, it has jellybean which is pretty much as smooth as iOS you could even say buttery! The App Store on The Note II (Google Play) has just about the same apps as the apple App Store and more third party apps which will make for a BETTER user experience. I wish I could explain more and i'm not sure if you can get my email but if you can e-mail me and I will assure you why to buy the Samsung Galaxy Note II instead of the iPhone 5

IPhone 5
- Works with your Mac for photos, music, files, etc.
- Nice exterior
- ios is fast and smooth to use
- Regular smartphone camera (good quality)
- don't want to be bias but they are ripoffs

Galaxy Note 2
- Cheap on the outside, but fastest smartphone hardware to date
- Software is good too, ability for spilt screen (ex: text someone well watching a video on YouTube)
- Big screen is good for using the browser and other things (although small hands aren't really a friend of this phone)
- Plastic body
- Extremely long battery, 2 or 3 days of battery with normal use

If it was me I would go with the iPhone. I know they cost a lot but I like my phone to look nice on the outside then look cheap and made out of plastic. But people seem to love the Galaxy SIII and Galaxy Note

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