IPhone 5 problem, getting calls and texts?

My iPhone 5, 16gb has this problem where when someone is calling me, I won't get a ring. I do get a notification of a missed call but I don't even know if someone has called me. It happens pretty much all the time unless I'm actually using the phone as someone is calling me. Same with texts and what's app, I won't get a sound that someone has texted me. I'm on strong signal and off silent. Resetting the network settings did not help.

Lots of possibilities, and no way to know for sure unless you go thru troubleshooting-

Some things that may help you narrow down the problem…
If you r not getting calls, r they going straight to voice mail? Phone not ringing? Are they getting a message when they call you, or are they getting your voice mail? If voice mail, do they hear it ring first, or is it going straight to voice mail? If you r in a low signal area, this can happen and would not be a phone problem- may just be a low coverage area.

Same with text- if low signal area, or not a data coverage area, your voice part of phone may work, but the msgs will be parked in a queue (line) until you get back into a data coverage area-

Could also have something to do with the settings in the phone

Is it the same number that r having problems getting/sending texts or calls, or is it people who are with a specific company? If your other calls and msgs are fine, there could be a problem with their network, or some interchange between their netwrk and AT&T

Is it happening at a certain time of day or night? In a certain location? When your in a car? Sitting still?

The more of these questions you can answer, the more it will help to narrow down what's going on…

They will also need to check the system and make sure your imei info is correct in system and that you have the correct features because, if not, this could be a problem,

Hopefully this will help - if not, unless the phone is damaged, it should be still under warranty, and while it may be annoying, at least they can assist u with replacement if appropriate.

Hi rather then just a network reset try a full settings reset this should solve the problem