Iphone 5 randomly fades to pixelated pink/green screen then reboots constantly?

Iphone 5 randomly fades to pixelated pink/green screen then reboots constantly?

My iphone 5 is now having technical issues. I dropped and cracked the screen 3 weeks ago and it worked fine up until this last Sunday. (the drop and crack could be totally unrelated i just don't want to leave out details) but now my iPhone will randomly reboot sometimes once, sometimes 5-10+ times during use. It will randomly crash and go to a pixelated screen that usually goes pink-ish or green-ish with vertical stripes and then fade out and shut off and then totally reboot as if i was restarting the phone. From what i have noticed it tends to do it the most when the battery is fully changed, it will start out in the morning at 100% and then reboot the most until it hits like 50% and then usually behaves fine until the batter totally dies, and then upon plugging in my phone from being deal will start rebooting all over again while charging up. Other small details are that my battery usage percentage stays frozen… Unless i restart the phone entirely it will stay frozen on a random percentage until i restart it and thats when i learn the true percentage. Any ideas? Has this happened to anyone else?
***there has been no water damage and i have checked all of the water damage indicator stickers and they're all still white.

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