IPhone app question?

I use the Timehop app. Right now I'm on a 611 day streak of posting(each day if you post from you're timehop you extend you're steak.). The problem I'm running into know is when I open the app it keeps crashing I tried to reboot my phone, and delete and reinstall the app buts not working. I don't want my streak to end. How can I get this app to stop crashing

Just stating for the record, the streak doesn't extend due to posting, it extends due to checking all the posts for the day until you reach the end & see the streak count.

Sometimes the app does crash. I guess all you could do is see if others have the same issue & if Timehop issues an update to fix any issue. I faced a similar issue a couple of months ago.

Talk about a Meaningless Objective!

All streaks end sooner or later, and though I'm only guessing,
I suspect this one has outlasted its time by several months.

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