Iphone apple care protection plan?
Hi, i've had alot of screen freezing problems and had made a lot of complaint to apple but they would just send me to a store to come back home with the same phone without any improvements and i just bought an applecare protection plan now the problem is that the phone dropped down on the floor and have a little scratchy dent on the back side of it. So my question is that will they replace this phone with that scratchy dent on the back or do i have to do change the backside cover before sending it to them.
IIm 100% sure that for any problems in the phone, the apple store staff will blame that small scratch or dent caused. Even if the issue may be not related to it, but still they will just point all the fingers in the world at the small scratch and blame you for causing the problem by droping it coz they wanna make money out of you.
So the best thing is that you change the backcover, pretend that the phone was never dropped and insist on replacement. Make sure you not your phone imei no and when the replacement phone is given to, make sure the imei is different. Otherwise wear a Dunce cap coz it may be possible that they will give you the same phone again, which i think is happening in your case.
So change the backcover and insist on a replacement.
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