Iphone broken what can i do?

Was on Facebook reading statuses when my phone switched itself off. I switched it on and the wallpaper had changed it was showing a grey screen with the words IOS6 shown in the middle. The bar at the bottom that you slide to type in your password said configure in loads of different languages. And if you slide it and enter your password it brings up a screen telling me to connect my phone to iTunes. If i unplug it, it switches off and won't turn on at all. And if i plug it into my laptop it goes onto the apple sign and stays on it after about 2 minutes it turns itself off.what's up with it? And how do i fix it?

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Are you sure you have updated your phone?

I'm not sure but if you take it to your network shop (EE, Vodafone, O2 etc). They might fix it if it wasn't your fault.

It's a toy so expect it to break.

Get a replacement screen on ebay and look at fixing tutorials.

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