IPhone for Beats by Dre Trade
I recently got the iPhone five and now I'm going to trade my old iPhone 3GS (great condition mind you) with an OtterBox and a pair of Apple earpods to my friend for two pairs of beat headphones. One older pair of white Solos *not HD* (good condition) and a pair of black studios (fair condition) that don't sound 100%. The Solos are genuine but the Studios may or may not be. Its either trade or $75 dollars cash because that's all he has. Don't ask me why he wants my phone he just does lol. I'm just asking what someone elses opinion on the trade would be and if you have any advice. Every answer is appreciated!
Hmm you could sell the iPhone for enough to buy new beats…
$150 total
Take the cash go to guitar center and get you a way better pair of headphones than beats by dre. Those headphones are good, but they aren't worth the money you pay for them. If you know anyone who's into producing or mixing they'll tell you the same thing.
- Will my Beats by dre Mixr sound better on the Samsung Galaxy S3, or iPhone? Basically my old contract has ended and i'm looking to purchase a new phone, and it's between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3. One of the main features that i'm looking at is the sound quality with the Beats headphones, as i also have an ipod but it's quite old. Is the sound quality better with the iPhone 5 or samsung galaxy s3? Sound quality with the Beats by Dre headphones comparing the iPhone5 with the SG3.
- Why don't Beats by Dre Solo HD Work w/ iPhone 5? Got some beats solo hd to go with my iPhone 5 and the speaker doesn't work on the right side. After I checked, it says the solos are only compatible up to the 4s. Anyone know why the iPhone 5 isn't on this list?
- Why do so many people hate on beats by dre? I paid 350 and the sound quality is amazing on my iphone 4s. People say they are a waste of money, but the people who say that is because they can't afford them. The design of the headphones are great so stop hating on them because you know you test them out every time you go to best buy haha.
- Why Are My Dre Beats Audio Messed Up? I bought my pair of Dre Beats Solo HD 199.99 yesterday. I plugged them in my phone and noticed that the bass and EVERYTHING was perfect but, the singer i couldn't even make out what he was saying IT WAS So SOFT. So i plug them into my computer and it works fine? It says its Iphone 3GS compatible what's wrong?