IPhone messages not sending?
I have just got an IPhone 4S and whenever I try to send a message to a non-IPhone user, it always comes up with 'Not Delivered' under the message with the adding of a long message that starts with 'Sorry Destination number format incorrect.' Help?
Same if anyone has any advice it would be really helpful!
You need to get in touch with your service provider, but before getting in touch with them do this:
first of all in iphone Settings--->Messages--->imessage on along with that send as SMS is also on rest MMS is off.
secondly try putting in 00 followed by country code and the number, if your sending the message to people outside your residing country as sometimes + and country code does not work.
If you are getting this weird message when you sending message to your local friends then you need to add 0 followed by the mobile number and try sending it.
If after doing all this the problem is not getting solved get in touch with your service providers as there are some changes these provider do at their end too and will be able to guide you accordingly.
Also if there's any network hindrance that may also cause hindrance! Of the other option switch off and then on your iphone.
Best Luck.
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