IPhone not staying connected to iTunes?

Basically whenever I plug my phone into the computer via USB to sync my iphone, it will recognise that it's there and do the charging sign for about 2 seconds before just disconnecting and going back to my home screen. I don't think it's the wire because I have tried a different wire as well and had the same problem. Anyone ever had this?

Maybe your USB port has dust or debris? If thats the case it's just a matter of obtaining a McDonald's straw or something and blowing the dust out. If this doesn't solve the problem them perhaps you need to restore your phone. Go to iTunes ---> iPhone--->summary--->restore (at bottom left) follow prompts and in 5 minutes or so you have restored your phone. Backup your photos, notes, contacts etc.before this.
tips: connect to various ports and see if that helps.
Blow out all USB ports to ensure they are all dust free.
Obtain a new cord when you can just to be absolutely certain (it is possible that the other cord you tried could be faulty too)
Blow out the input for the charger on your phone.
Last resort; Call apple and see if they can't help you?

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