Iphone phone users, caught my boyfriend cheating, need to know how photos are time stamped?
My boyfriend has a photo of him and another woman in his phone in a romantic pose and the date on it says "Aug 22" but no year. Doesn't that mean its this year? But he says SHE sent him the picture on aug 22 because he liked the photo of himself and it was an OLD picture (according to him).
So I'm wondering, when you save a picture in text messaging from someone else to your camera roll, would it have the year on it if it was sent on that day aug 22, but was originally taken in a previous year? Or would it have no year? Basically, was this picture really taken on aug 22, or is he telling the truth and he just saved it to his camera roll on that day?
I suggest you break up. You don't trust him.
The metadata of a photo doesn't change because you sent it to someone. You'd have to manually change it yourself, that being said, editing apps may change to date of the photo to the same date you edited the photo.
If you think your boyfriend is cheating on you then it's probably best to end the relationship. Even if he isn't cheating on you, there's clearly a lack of trust in your relationship and that isn't good
The picture was SENT on Aug 22 of THIS year.
You can't tell when it was TAKEN unless you can see the "properties" of it.
Look for either that label or "information" on it.
Digital cameras encode not only the date the image was taken but also the time of day, shutter speed,
aperture, the size of the file, its dimensions (number of pixels wide by number of pixels high),
the camera model, and a lot of other data.
That's where you can find out the year of origin.
Get over it. Move on.
Trust me, very few guys carry around current pictures of themselves, no matter who took the picture, and even fewer guys keep on them (wallet or phone), old pictures of themselves with other people, unless it's a really good friend or someone that passed away.
So unless you are dating a mirror queen, he's not keeping it because he likes his face in that picture. But this is your life's, keep him or don't, we don't need to live with what happens either way, but you do. And the date is the day the picture was sent to his phone. Check the pictures Metadata to see when it was originally taken, with what (phone or camera), and often where it was taken, if GPS is included.
So I just checked. My sister sent me a ton of photos through imessenger on text of my son when she looked after him whilst I was in turkey this year. I saved them on that same day. And I just went to find them in my camera roll & it says "8 August" but no year. Just 8 August on top with the time underneath. Which was the day & time I saved them to my camera roll.
If that's any help. I use an iPhone 7 Plus. He probably saved them on aug 22.
Your choice really
You have to ask? Ins and be snicky
I suggest do you. You can break up this relation. You don't trust him. He is a fake man in your life .so you can break up this relation. But are you continue this relation.
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