IPhone problems? Sprint store or apple store?
My phone won't charge, don't know if it's a damaged port or an iOS problem. Does anyone know if I should take into the Sprint store where it was purchased or take to the Apple store?
I know I'm in the wrong category. Consumer electronics/cell phones are hardly ever answered.
Added (1). Katy, well you're wrong sweetie pie because I tried looking ONLINE for an answer to this already and guess what? Couldn't find a darn thing. Stay off my question if you don't like me posting here. Move on.
Apple. It's not a service problem
Get an android.
Why don't you use a friends phone and call the store beforehand to find out?
if youd like advise on whether or not to send your friend a thank you letter, then you're in the right category.
no one answers cell phone questions because they're easily researched online just as well as posting a question to avoid doing your research.
I agree with the first answer, take it to the Apple store. The people at Sprint sell so many different kinds of phones, they aren't actually specialized in dealing with Apple hardware. But the people who work at an Apple store understand the product better and should be able to advise you of what to do.
Yeah Katy is wrong because I just tried googling your problem and couldn't find anything either. I don't mind you posting here, makes no difference to me.
I would go to the sprint store. I remember having loads, of problems with one of our phones (we have sprint) and they did repairs on it right there.
I'd take it back to Sprint first. They're pretty good with their customer service. My son had a problem with his iPhone and they just gave him a new one… No questions asked.
I'd take it to the Apple Store. I've seen great customer service, and it's pleasant to get things serviced. Buying things too is also great.
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