IPhone speaker not working after water damage

So, while having a bath about a week ago, my phone decided to do a suicide dive off the side of the tub and into the water, it was only under water for maybe ten seconds and it did have one of the Kate Spade cases on. I instantly dried it and went and got some rice. I tried turning it off but it would turn itself back on. I left it in rice overnight and then tried the Q-tip trick the next day. Everything is fine. Except for my speaker. I can get calls just fine, I sometimes get text sounds. But I can't play music or listen to YouTube videos. I have tried every possible trick out there, I need some new ideas! So if anyone had ANYTHING that will fix it please let me know!

Try opening it up and leaving it open to dry! If you are lucky it will be the type with ordinary screws and you just need a tiny "normal" screwdriver to take out two screws which release the back. Otherwise, if it has special screws, you'll need a purpose-built screwdriver. You can get these in a set on eBay.

If you had the phone on the side of the tub then you deserve to have it ruined, thats just stupid.

Let it air dry for 4-5 days without turning it on, you are lucky if only the speaker is not working after water damage.

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