IPhone storage won't increase?

I had 0 bytes avaliable and I've deleted like 400 photos out a 1,000 but I still have 0 bytes avaliable

Try deleting the cache. Or it could be a glitch

Did you actually deltete the photos or they're in a different place on the phone? Try deleting other things on the phone.

Delete the photos in your "recently deleted" folder

If you have an iPhone 6 you need to go into where your photos are because there's another folder called recently deleted. Go in there and hit select then go to bottom and select delete all. Also there's no way you could have 0 GB because your phone wouldn't work if it was that full.

Try closing settings then check again. If nothing happens, they deleting apps because the pictures are probably in the Recently Deleted section

Potentially still stored in recently deleted or photo stream?

IPhone now moves them to an album called "recently deleted. That album has a trash can, tap to empty.

Do you use Dropbox? Dropbox can be set to automatically upload your pictures to storage when you connect to Wi-Fi ( which I do daily, at home). You get 5 GB of free cloud storage and it's always available from the app on ypur phone or if you sign on to another device, including computer.

Del some…

Delete the photos in "recently deleted" and then power down your phone

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