IPhone Touch without camera?
I'm freaking out right now! I just found an iPhone touch on eBay that has NO FRONT CAMERA! I assume this is very rare but how much should I bid? Is this thing legit? It says no Front camera and a 3mp camera on the back. I assume that is good right?
I wouldn't waste my money on it. It sounds like a bootleg, not a real iPhone/iPod touch.
It not rare. It the first I phone that came out. The I phone first came out in like 2005. The first front facing camera cell phone was on the phone Optimus black which came out in 2010
It isn't rare at all it's an old iPhone. The very first iPhone didn't have a camera at all. One of the main complaints consumers had but they continued to purchase them anyway. The first iPhone with a front facing camera is the iPhone 4 that was released fall of 2010. Personally, I wouldnt bid on that. If you have AT&T you can probably get the iPhone 3GS for free. As a matter of fact Best Buy recently had a sale on iPhone 4 8gb for 49.99. (shrugs)
There's no such thing as an "iPhone Touch" However there's an "iPod Touch"
There's no such thing as an "iPhone touch". An iPhone with a 3MP camera on the back was & still is the iPhone 3GS which was launched back in 2009.
@wonderwoman: All iPhones have cameras.
2MP on the 2G & 3G
3MP on the 3GS
5MP on the 4
8MP on the 4S
- Which camera is better: An old General Imaging x500 Digital Camera or an iPhone 7 front camera? It looks like an iPhone only offers 7 MP while this camera boasts 16 MP but this camera is so old and looks worse at least on its own screen. I'm confused
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- Is it POSSIBLE to SETUP IPOD touch (or Iphone) without a Wi-Fi network? I'm going to get an ipod touch 5g and I'm wondering if if when I get it, if I can instantly use it without using a Wi-Fi network.once you turn it on for the first time there are different steps to follow before you can use it. One of those steps is connect to a Wi-Fi network and setting up an apple ID. Is it possible to skip these steps and get to the main home screen and start using it right away? Cause I will get my Ipod in a location were there's no Wi-Fi network available.
- Is it just me or does iPod Touch/iPhone internal camera distort your face? I have iPod touch with internal camera and I doubt it's different for iPhones.anyway, when I look into it, everything looks pretty normal except my head looks taller. But when I take the picture and loko at it, my head becomes thinner and my eyes are very un even and my mouth is crooked. Wtf? @clever basically the same before i take a picture except my head is wider as opposed to taller in the mirror as to the screen. But when the pic is taken, it then effes with my feartures.