IPhone won't charge? - 1
My phone ran out of charge, so i put it on the charger about an hour ago. When I hit the home button, the symbol that means the phone is charging comes up. However, that has been going on ever since I charged it. How can I fix this problem?
Restart it or get another charger
You might be having trouble with the charging cable or the connector. Try removing and reinserting the cable, flipping the cable over, or bending it a different way. If that's not helping, unplug from power and clean the metal contacts with a pencil eraser, and check the socket for lint, which you can gently dig out with a wooden toothpick. If those don't help, try another cable.
Try QC charger
If the phone has got completely dead, it may not turn on until it reaches 20% charge.
It may also have crashed and be in a state where it can't fast charge, so just not charging properly anyway.
With is still connected to the charging cable etc., press and hold both home and power for about ten seconds, until it shows the apple logo.
It will not necessarily work until the phone has been on charge for two hours.
That is a hard reset for the CPU, so it reboots properly and starts up as if it had been shut down cleanly.
It does not erase anything, it just gets the phone back into a state where it can run properly.
(If it's an iphone 7 or later without a mechanical home button, use power + volume-down buttons; the equivalent for most android devices is power + volume-up buttons).
Hold the power and home button for 10 seconds
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