Is 16gb for a teenager using an iphone se good? (space for social media, pictures etc)?

Is 16gb for a teenager using an iphone se good? (space for social media, pictures etc)?

Considering most things on the iPhone with how apple runs their devices and, (in relation to your mention uses including social media,) chances are most of your pictures and post are going to be stored online on a cloud of some form, and less on your phone itself. So yeah.

Ain't bad at all, you can always buy additional memory


Yes its more than enough

It depends on what you plan to use it for, not the age or gender of the person. That being said, for most 16GB isn't enough these days.

That's too much! As a teenager, I got all excited when I finally got texting! Restrict your kid, give him like 2 gigs (which is still a lot) and teach him to enjoy even having that.

If he/she takes a lot of photos (hundreds or thousands), then no. They will quickly run out of space.

If they simply download a couple of apps here/there and/or rely on cloud services, then it should be fine.
I personally would go for the 64 GB model though.

16GB phone storage is no where enough. You need at least 32GB or even 64GB to be enjoy using a phone. And you can't use SD cards with any iPhones. Just the way Apple runs. So unless you want to keep deleting apps or pictures, I would go for 64GB. You'll regret buying a 16GB one and you can't expand the storage. AT ALL.

Walmart sells iPhone se unlocked cheap "buy more than 16gb." **Do you use only 16gb? NO I'm sure not so why would your kid?

Photos can be uploaded to somewhere else when you run out of space. If you don't need a lot of space on the phone for apps, and you're okay with an older operating system that won't take up 4 GB on its own, then 12 GB is fine.

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