Is 250MB of data on an iphone 4s alot or too little?

I'm getting and Iphone 4s soon, and I wanna know if 250MB of data is a good amount or too little for this phone, i usually only get a few games, facebook and twitter, so is it okay or not?

Too little.

Very very low. If you constantly use visuals online. You could easily consume this within the first day. Something around 5 - 7GB a month would be more than plenty.

250 is low, I don't normally hit that but I only use a few internet apps to look up stuff, I never do video or streaming.

It's a ton! If you don't use it a whole lot… It's Nothing! If you use it alot.

If you're phone is a phone, and not a mobile entertainment device, 250 MB is plenty

Low, if you plan on using ANY data what-so-ever and if you don't connect to Wi-Fi regularly, I would say that you'd run out of 250 MB quickly, especially if those games connect via the Internet, you are uploading pictures/downloading items constantly, stream music from Pandora etc…

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  • Is 250mb of data good on an iphone? I'm currently researching my contract I'd like to get when I upgrade (I'm 13, and I'm hoping to get my first iphone, eeek!) I was thinking, is 250mb good on an iPhone 4S with 16gb? What would it let me do? What would it not let me do? What is the different between the 16gb and 250mb? Is it ok for a 13 year old who doesn't have facebook(deactivated it-BORING)and is addicted to twitter.