Is $50 too much to spend on a small wristlet/pouch?

It can fit my iphone, keys, money/cards, and a mini roll on perfume. Is $50 too much?

Added (1). It's Kate Spade

Not if it's high quality.

I don't think it's too much considering its Kate Spade. Kate Spade is really good quality and will last a while, plus if you can fit all your essentials then go for it!

I think it's a good deal if you're able to fit all those things in there.

I would spend about $30 at the max

I wouldnt spend more than 20, 25 max.

It depends. If you are planning on using it often then no. If it isn't functional or you won't use it often, I would say yes.

Yah to much, find a cheaper one.

wal mart
google shopping online

God bless

Hm, maybe. But if you really like it and need it, I'd go for it

It's okay. I think the ideal budget for a wristlet is $20. I wouldn't spend $50 but I have seen wristlets as high $200 so it's not that bad. What brand is it anyway?

I think it's a good deal if you're able to fit all those things in there.

It's okay

Yes, imo