Is a PHD in singing worth it?

I was wondering if a phd in singing would be worth pursuing as part of the goal of becoming a professional rapper?

Which Ivy League school would be best, Princeton or Cornell or Columbia?

Do record conpanies consider one Ivy League school to be the best? Which school guarantees the best reputation with venues that might hire rap vocalists like fancy restaurants and such?

Do fans on iTunes prefer one particular school so which school would benefit my career most?

I'm graduating high school in 2020 and would wonder which college would be the best? I would like to learn rap and some pop belting and such and wonder what to do?

My parents will only pay $2000 per semester for 3 years and then I'm on my own for the rest? How do I fund my education?

What are you talking about, a PHD in singing and rap vocalists? Name all the rap vocalists with even a bachelor's degree and tell me if you get past three fingers.

It is if thats what you want to do

You stand a better chance of getting a degree in comedy writing, kid. This reads like a set up for a sketch. Totally no connection to reality.

No. 'Singing' in that context would be more suited for classical/jazz.

Rappers tend to not have degrees.

If anything, maybe a Recording Arts degree or Music Industry degree might be useful (definitely more useful than a degree in singing)

The PHD would be in performing arts not singing. There's no degree in rapping. Rapping is not singing. Asking if anything is the best is asking for personal opinions. You will get a large variety of answers. Ask yourself by what criteria do people judge the best of anything. Do you have a B.S. Or a Master's degree in anything. Do you know of anyone with a degree in Recording Arts or Music Industry? Did you graduate from high?