Is anyone addicted to Apple?

I know i'm i have a iphone 5, macbook air, ipad mini, ipod touch and apple tv and my family each have iphone macbook and most have ipads. If you are addicted why?

No. I have avoided the shiny metallic symbol of eternal crying as the next model comes out the day after i saved enough to buy my one:

But no in all seriousness they look nice but thats about it. My computer does computing my phone does calling. My camera takes pictures. Would it be easier all in one? No.

There are folks addicted to apple products or not. It is about preference. I use both in laptops, but no need to have everything all being apple.

No i have tried some apple products like the ipod touch and iphone4 the user interface is rubbish and they force you to sign up where as android devices its your choice its more user friendly available on more devices and more apps are available.

I agree with "Captain". All Apple products are Way TOO SHINY. Well, in fact, my PC notebook is shiny plastic, but THAT'S OK. It's shiny in a PC way, not the wrong Apple way.

Also, all Apple products are Way over-priced and use old, heavy echnology. You can buy a PC that is ten times faster for one-tenth the price. Well, my Alienware cost $3, 000 and weighs 12 pounds, but it is a great boat anchor.

I also agree with "Joe". The interface of the iPhone is totally rubbish. If it were any good, Android would be a nearly exact copy of it… Oh, wait. It is… Well, there's no Apple logo on Android, so it is NOT really a copy of iOS. I promise, not a copy.

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